High school students from around the world collaborate to perform a cappella pop and jazz arrangements in small groups. Over the course of two weeks, students led by industry professionals explore the style, trends, and approach of this genre. Tune in to be inspired by the next generation of musicians. Bringing this concert home, the Russell Community Choir sings the finale in the familiar virtual choir format.
Mixed High School Ensemble
Treble High School Ensemble
Russell Community Choir
Alex Underwood, director
Shelby Laird, director
Grace Currie, director
Mixed High School Ensemble
Words, by Anders Edenroth
Revolution, by Pinkzebra
Treble High School Ensemble
Good Intent, by Kimbra, arr. MaryAnne Smith and Celine Durney
Sit Still, Look Pretty, by Daya, arr. Deke Sharon
Russell Community Choir
Let Us Cheer the Weary Traveler, arr. R. Nathaniel Dett